Saturday, April 29, 2006


What's life after graduation?

Work, maybe further studies, work, work, work, work, get married, have children, watch children grow up healthily and happily, have greeat understanding and trust between my husband and i, indisposeness to getting sick, and finally, dying, but with plenty of great-grand children beside me.

This second phase of life is starting soon, on the 2nd of may. i'll be working as a customer service exec. sounds delicious? i dunno. the comp is giving $250/yr for us to buy some standard black jackets and skirts. and the director INSISTS that we wear skirts. hmmm. i udnno why. prolly cuz we'll look more feminine and demure and approachable in skirts? a humongous question mark is drifting all over.

and i'll be enrolling into SIM, taking up its Deg. in IT. and if the application is successful, i'll be having intensive lectures and tutorials for two weeks per month, mon-fri at 7-10, and sats at 9-4, i doubt i have the ability to juggle between work and study and not even to mention to be able to live till the day i see my great grandchildren. =(

and all the talk about several men messaging me at the same time. they've all seemed to disappeared at the same time too.


all these peace and tranquility is making me feel strident. =(

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