Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Hey ppl! bought 3 bottles of Sacred Hill recently.

Please try it out if you chance upon one. It's orgasmic!

LOL ;)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You suck big time.

Forgive my crude header.
But this is just what i wanna tell you.

when u're not feeling good, u shove ur stuff to me.
this is not what i can accept.
you blardy...bitch.

i'm real angry.

genuine care and concern is directed to a blind, "it's none of your business".
fu*k you, bitch.

"Do you know that this and that is wrong?"
well, screw off. i dont need this when u ARE in the wrong, not me.

oh right. correction. i dont wanna fu*k you.
cuz you stink to the core.