Sunday, April 10, 2005


quarrels are never gonna cease, much less talking bout my wrinkles. i do not have wrinkles now, but in a few yr's time, or mayb, even next yr, i might have lines all over my face already.

i dunno why. i just cant seem to study. mugging, to me, is like drinking plain water. u know, the "marvelicity"( i invented this word myself) of coca-cola with ice and chrysanthemum tea just sends me to thrill. but, plain water? i dun take it as often. serious.

it's just plain. and hard to swallow.

sometimes, i wonder, if one is in a bad mood, would u think abt others?

i admit, i'm being selfish. but that's me. but i'm trying to strive. trying to not care. but i still did.

that's me.

and i suck.

okie okie. i dun.

LOL :p

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