Hi, it's me...
many things happened when i dint blog for like the trillionth year. my beloved grandma passed on, i got scolded by wilful customers, etc. it's a relieve for granny that she passed away, but it's pain to all of us whom loved her so dearly. she's battled the illness since last oct, if u'd followed up my blog and if u're a faithful reader of mine. she's so nice to everyone; amiable and friendly. it's really a waste not to have her ard. i will always remember vividly how she'll chuck wads of cash into my small hands everytime she'd see me... and she'll always be the one fitting the bill whenever we go out.
but i guess, she's living great in her piece of heaven, i'd dreamt of her. with a rainbow ard her. my parents said this is good omen.
as for my job, it's a relieve as well, that i've finished the contract and got my pay. i wouldnt want to deal with more unreasonable parents who're damn hard-up for some photo-taking shit. i've wiped my ass off it, and wouldnt want to touch that kinda job for a miserable pay anymore.
and for studies wise, i've been lagged by a week as i've skipped skool for my grandma's funeral, but luckily for me, i think that tutorials helped a hell lot. but sadly, i'm with 2 of my present classmate for the project, which sucks like hell. am thankful for the both of them, but hates it when i cant get paired up with my gal frens. arrgh.
things have been running quite smoothly('cept for my grandma's death)...
i spent my new year with my baby, and i enjoyed it. well, i'm dreading to say those, but still, i seldom share my happiness but i'm gonna give it a try now. i used to think whenever i share my happiness, it's always short-lived and cursed. but hell. i'm trying it now. i'm not showing-off, btw, if u THOUGHT i was. no, i'm not. lol.
the Tsunami's hit the shores of many asian beaches, sending tens of thousands of innocent ppl to their lil piece of heaven. i hope they get the best up there, and hopefully, there would be no more of such disasters anymore. it's just so saddening to hear the news everyday from now, the presenter's telling us the number of those whom passed away from the fatallic waves. and i hope that families of the deceased will grow stronger and independent, which are partly what i'm trying to achieve now.
still, i wanna be thankful that everyone else is still with me, and i'll try to grow up and out.
Taufiq's quote, as of what i wanna say to end these off : i love you all!
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