target not met. and cash-0-less.
worked for sat and sun. as a promoter.
"Hi. i'd like to get a H_ printer. how much does it cost......." asked customer. (i recognized her. and her family. they came last weekend.)
"Oh! it's u! right, hold on a second. i ask a c----- staff to help u with it..." i said.
and i turned ard and saw the dark one sitting there, playing on his hp.
"Hey, would u mind, there's as customer asking abt the h_ printer. could u help?" i asked.
reluctantly, he got up, and went to serve the customer.
abt half an hr later after serving that customer, he came back and said, "i dont need a promoter that only promotes her own stuff. she has to noe how to promote other products, not solely on her own prod. and if this is the case, i dont think i need u here."
i got so taken aback, but my mind was in a state of whirlwind. for fuck's sake, i'm representing some brand and am under it, and u expect me to promote other brands for u? they(customers) came last week and i told them what i'm supposed to say, and tried to push my product. but they still chose over the other brand, so, fuck, what's ur problem?
i noe i shouldnt get so worked up. i mean, then again, it's not nice having someone to accuse u of not doing your job. when u did. so hard.
arghs. 2006's just soooo not for me.
tell u something more intriguing.
on fri night(20.01.06), his mother called me at 2300. said that she was soooo blardy angry with him, that she ran out of the house and dint want to see him. i was in a shock, and asked her what happened. she said it's because of a stupid blue box some stupid woman gave him lonnnnnnng long time ago(like 5 yrs ago?), and that he blamed her cuz she misplaced it somewhere (which i hope it has been destroyed!).
what the hell. what is his problem? and during the conversation, i was told that he was talking on the phone like nobardy else's business and that her(his mom) fren saw him and the other girl together. wtf.
after the conversation ended, i felt so astounded. and feel like killing myself. because the truth hurts.
that he nv loved me before. he returned to her. and guess what? she's married with another man she claimed to abuse her but cant get a divorse cuz of her parents and all the shit. biatch. fancy hookng up with a bastard when she's still married. well, i'm not saying he's a bastard because i'm a loser. if u noe the whole story, u might think i'm stupid, but not a loser. (wait. any difference between stupid and loser? lol.)
but, it's a great match. a biatch and a bastard. how unmatched can they get?
and oh! after phonecall with his mom, he msged me and asked whether i still love him. i called him back immediately. i dint talk abt his mom absence in the house, neither did he!
and he yupped and yupped abt how we met and had our first date. a miserable attempt to get me back. cuz he got the details entirely screwed. and i tried to screw him back. and i won.
he msged me later that he wont msg or call me anymore and that i was the one who chosed to break up and he wanted to salvage but bcause of my response he dont feel so anymore and that i can delete his number.
for fuck's sake. i did it a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time ago. without him telling me to. cuz there wasnt a need! and i replied him, saying that i hope he'll keep up with what he said (the point to not msging or call me anymore) and that i made the right decision in breaking up with him. i told him i'm not ignorant (not anymore) and that i wont tust whatever he says anymore. "Take care" was the last statement.
haha! and i guess i won! he did not reply after that. either he was too busy with that biatch, or that he was crying. bastard.
BASTARD. i'm calling u this for playing my heart out and i, chose to let stupidity lead my path.
but, thank God that i saw the true him. he IS really, at the back of my mind. i'm not angry with him, i'm angry with myself for being a fool.
aiya. whatever la. to end this off, i'm throwing in a photo of a cutie. but it's very blur, so u gotta look at it with an artistic flair. heee. enjoy!
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