woke up at 6 to wake him up and slept for another effective 0.5hr or so. and had to get up to get dressed for work. and this terrible headache struck me and i also felt like killing myself.
had to practically drag my feet to work; they seemed like they were on iron balls. and jl too. tired like hell. it wasnt as if we were still boozed out today, but i just think that we had insufficient sleep.
and man, work starts and 9 and it's still hell for us. though it's our last day of work today, i still feel like gettin' it over and done with cuz my headache is really taking the toll outta me.
and went bugis village for lunch. had laksa and jl had rice. and i bought my sexy man's disc. man. he's got me droolin' babeh!
and he's got such soulful voice, i believe i'm still swooning over him w/o listening or seeing him. lemme show u his pic!
and den, i went home and slept for like, 1.5hrs before meeting bf. went to watch monster-in-law and man! the male lead is a hunk too! and he's damn romantic in it, i wish i can b jLo in that shoW! i'd grade the show A- as it showed the process of how jLo met her man and how his mom tortured her. man. good show though i have some grudges against jLo.
and after the show, went to makan at amk hawker. had western food and headed home next. and my headaache disappeared after seeing him. =)