Monday, July 31, 2006


Things are looking on the brighter side for me.

Just, a tad(!) brighter.

Will that spell "Luck"?

till the next post. ciao~

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blardy hell.


To think i get these comment:

走着走着, 他就问我:"刚才他有没有教你胖小姐?"


他要走了还说:"减肥, 减肥!"

Friday, July 14, 2006

Bad Day

It's not Daniel Powter.

It's me, Kelly Wang Liting.


What a bad start for the day.

For a start, I came out late from the house. and when i reached the void deck and was about to step out, it started drizzling.

Nevermind that. I wanted to go into the housing blocks since it's all covered up, so i decided to cross the road, and damn. i stepped onto the soft and pudgy grass patches. (luckily my heels arent soiled)

Then, went into the train. it was packed like 1000 pickles all squashed up in a milk bottle meant for babies.

And vrooooom it goes. Damn it. It suddenly stopped. and my ankles decided to bent, and my heels, too. i reached out for the indian guy on my right, grabbed his arms tight.
Who knows another good samaritan (another indian guy on my left) tried to hold my left arm, but subconciously, i sorta gave my left arm a push back, and damn, he TOUCHED my underwire of my bra.
After which, he even gestured for me to hold on to the railings he was holding on. -sob sob-

I WAS SO EMBARRASSED i tell you i could've bashed the chinese guy up who looked at me as if i'm a weirdo. damn it.

so that's the start of my day. Think yours could've gotten any worse?

i doubt so.

Monday, July 10, 2006



也还以为可以在礼拜天一大早就起身,和佳敏,金玲 及 佳敏的妹妹 一起吃早餐,
没想到我竟然睡到中午12才起来! 到了最后, 我们叫了外卖, 而且是Macdonald's

已经是凌晨12点了,洗把脸,刷了牙, 就倒头大睡。
今早原本不想来上班,可是还是硬着头皮, 咬紧牙根, 来了。


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Check this out!

I saw this graphic on joyln's friendster site, and was curious, went to check it out, and man! so many nice designs!

Come Get Your Graphics Over Here at

Come Get Your Graphics Over Here at

Come Get Your Graphics Over Here at

Come Get Your Graphics Over Here at

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Gosh. Rain/Bi can be so versatile!

I'm so so so very amazed by this talent.

He can sing in Japanese, Mandarin, English, and Korean.
To think most singers cant even handle more than one language.

I'm really in AWE!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
suave, aint he? *faints*

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Sneeze, sneeze. this sneeze-es hit me so suddenly!

am starting to dread going to work because we're in the new centre now, and our workload just seems to pile on even more each day.

aww. and am damn irritated with the constant pop-ups from hotmail whilst checking my mails! wassup, Hotmail, do you allow users to be constantly bogged down by the stupid pop-ups and get us all affected by virus??? damn.

aiyo. talking about these just makes me feel hungry.

and oh, just to update you guys, we are fine. me and him.

but it's just fine.

i cant elaborate more.
because i believe in karma.